Certified Licensing Professionals, Inc.
Elevating the Licensing Profession through Knowledge and Standards
Certified Licensing Professional Credentials
The Certified Licensing Professional (CLP) credential is a professional designation intended to distinguish those who have demonstrated experience, proficiency, knowledge, and understanding of licensing and commercialization of intellectual property through involvement in patenting, marketing, negotiation, legal, and intellectual asset management. CLP credential holders who have retired from full-time employment may apply for the CLP-Emeritus designation.
The CLP-Associate (CLP-A) credential is designed for individuals who are either new to or are re-entering the licensing and technology transfer field. CLP-A is tailored to individuals who are interested in demonstrating a commitment to the licensing profession but do not have substantial experience in the fields of licensing, technology transfer or intellectual property management, and are not yet eligible to pursue the CLP certification.
Access the CLP, Inc. rules of professional conduct in the Code of Conduct.